Keenan Refurbs

What qualifies us for the job?

Jim Barron started his engineering career at Keenan and during this 20 year stint with the company he fully understood every thing there is to know about Keenan diet feeders. Jim has now trained a dedicated team that are solely responsible for refurbishment of the diet feeders able to complete the job in a very short timescale allowing the farmer to their fully refurbished diet feeder back in its routine.

Why refurbish?

Over the past number of years the price of machinery has increased rapidly in price and continues to rise, it is our responsibility to our customers and farmers to assist them in making their the most profitable it can be. So we offer this service to allow the farmer to restore what is a perfectly good machine back to its original standard. Giving the farmer huge savings on the price of a new machine.

Service Levels


Some info on Gold Service


Some more info on Silver Service


Some info on Bronze Service


Before / After


Some content about after


Some before content

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